lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2007

Time Travel Test

This is the first Time Travel Test made on the web.
The objective of this test is to receive an email from a future Time Traveler, the destination email will be published in this website next January 1, 2008. This destination email has just been created and nobody else apart from me knows this email address.

Many scientists believe that Time Travel will be possible in a near future. So, starting from today December 17, 2007, a future Time Traveller has a time frame of 15 days to come back in time and send the email to the address that will be made public on January 1, 2008.

Note for the future Time Traveller, please, in your email inform where and when do you come from, and provide some information from the near future that can be used to verify your Time Travel.

Note for the present web surfers: if there is any positive result it will be published immediately, if no email is received it could be considered that time travel is not possible.

3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

time this which has been around since A.D. 2000

Unknown dijo...

Very much like this web site which has been around since A.D. 2000.

R dijo...

Were they successful?